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Team Performance and Employee Coaching Services at Your Workplace with Your Money Gateway

Team Performance and Employee Coaching Services at Your Workplace with Your Money Gateway

Financial specialists are taught to make data-driven decisions to best suit the needs of their clients or own portfolios but, their choices are affected by biases, intuition, and emotional welfare. Your Money Gateway uses workplace coaching services to help your employees understand their inner selves so financial decisions can become based on empirical evidence rather than intrinsic characteristics.

The Effects of Psychology on Financial Decisions

The human brain is a mixture of rational and emotional thought processes, and most of us aren’t even aware of some of the influences under which we make decisions. Our workplace coaching services help people understand all the factors that go into decision making. To help you understand some of the influences and how they affect your decisions, we will explain a few common phenomena.

The Herd Mentality describes how people behave in specific ways due to their peers’ behaviour even if it’s against their nature. A common example is a riot where people who would never damage or steal property under normal circumstance succumb to criminal behaviour. Herd Mentality can cause a trader to buy or sell a stock because it’s what others are doing instead of basing the decision on objective information.

Many people think they know more than they do and more importantly, they’re often unaware of what they don’t know. This overconfidence can lead to novice traders thinking they are experts at picking winners or managers focusing on a small segment and ignoring the idea of diversification.

Recent situations can affect future decisions even if there would be no direct correlation between the past and future performances. You see phenomenon with the link between politics and the stock market. When new rules and regulations are discussed, it can cause prices to plummet even if they haven’t taken effect yet.

Benefits of Employee Coaching Services

Andrew Pertsoulis is a licensed New Money Story® mentor who conducts team performance coaching services at the workplace. Your Money Story is your full relationship with money, not just your net worth. It dives into how you feel about money, what you think you deserve and what you want to achieve. Andrew helps you write a New Money Story® so you can achieve more than you initially thought possible.

During the employee coaching services, participants learn about how their individual psychology affects their decision making. Once the relationship between psyche and choice is understood, you can learn techniques to overcome the impulsivity of emotion and rely on data to make financial decisions.

Recent understandings of the benefits of collaboration have increased the use of teams instead of employees acting alone. Our team performance coaching services help employees understand the dynamics of their relationships to increase their synergy to serve their clients better.

You don’t want to let being good stop you from becoming great. Your team has the know-how to make correct decisions, but they also need to understand why they make the choices they do. Contact My Money Gateway, and we will provide employee coaching services so you can transform good into great.